Sami Styrman - Publisher and CEO of Samsa Games
Publisher's thoughts
Written on 04/2020
My name is Sami Styrman, founder of Samsa Games. I have always been interested in entrepreneurship and I have been able to conveniently combine two things important to me; entrepreneurship and board games.
My company aims to get as many people as possible to play board games and I consider this an important part of building a board game playing culture. I'm sure that everyone can find their own favorite game!
So I’m happy to be able to help new game designers with great game ideas that definitely deserve to get into the collections of board game players. A good example of such a game is Kalewala: Tale of Sampo!
I want to thank the whole team who have worked long hours to get Kalewala: Tale of Sampo board game to this point. However, now is your chance to be a part of this story. Our dream is that as early as Christmas 2020, Kalewala: Tale of Sampo can be found in many of the packages brought by Santa.