Kalewala: Tale of Sampo
a hidden movement board game
Join the Nordic mythology of the Finnish epoch Kalevala!
We are publishing an amazing immersive board game based on the Finnish mythological epoch called Kalevala. Hundreds of components with artwork from the most famous Kalevala artists Akseli Gallen-Kallela and Nikolai Mikhaylovich Korchegin!
Game Trailer
Watch this animated trailer of our board game taking place in the world of Kalevala, an epic from 19th century Finland.
English version
Finnish version
Creating the game
The most well-known story of the Kalevala is the tale about the Sampo. Players recreate a highlight from this tale, the perilous journey back home after capturing the legendary artefact. Other events of the Kalevala are represented as flavorful Tale cards which are incrementally added to your games of Kalewala.
This ties into the several trips to the Karelian region of Finland that Elias Lönnrot, the author of Kalevala, made in the early 19th century to put together the oral narratives by closely listening to the songs of the locals. Therein lies the wish to recreate these stories, not only through revisiting them by reading the runes or by immersion in the historical art in the cards but through the possibilities of gameplay. To match the epic scale of the Kalevala further depth is added to the game by means of the Tale cards, fleshing out the Tuonela and the previous parts of Tale of Sampo, waiting to be explored.
After the Kickstarter campaign which ran for over 10k, we have decided to publish through the traditional method after the game has been pre-ordered in enough quantity over the publisher's webstore. After these 100 pre-orders, 1500 game copies will be manufactured in a maximum duration of six months. Pre-ordering grants you the limited edition of a fragmenting 3D-Sampo!
What Our Players Are Saying
"...I got to test the game in its early iterations. I hadn't had much experience in hidden movement games before, but at least in this game the mechanic is well implemented. The game oozes theme, both in accurately depicted characters and in art. Combat can be pretty hit-and-miss, although you can use your wits in choosing the cards you play..."
— an extract of NutraNuggetz's review on BoardGameGeek, 2020
"...Hidden movement mechanic and trap mechanic in the game is one of the most innovative that I have seen. Every turn Vainola player needs to announce if trap is triggered, but there is different ways to bluff other players. Pohjola will need to outplay Vainola players by trying to solve where Vainola characters are moving based on that information. There has been difficult times to keep my poker face, when I have outsmarted other player several times in one game..."
— an extract of Majur1's review on BoardGameGeek, 2020
"I tried the final prototype version of the game once (1 vs 1 game) and followed few other sessions. The game was a lot of fun and also quite intense. Trying to outsmart your opponent through the hidden movement mechanics was the core of the gameplay for me. ... hidden movement offers a lot of possibilities to trick your foe and adds extra layer of “psychological warfare” to the game..."
— an extract of Cercopithechi's review on BoardGameGeek, 2020
Tuomas Mansikka
Heikki Harmainen
Annukka “Nukka” Repo
Johannes Lund With
Sami Styrman
Dina Ramse
Game Designer
The game designer shares his thoughts on the creative process of designing the Tale of Sampo in his Design Diary article!
Graphic designer / AD
The graphic designer gives an elaborate explanation of how Tale of Sampo got its visual looks; with photos of the previous versions!
Illustrator of the map art and colourist of game components such as Sampo, Power Wheel and Boat tokens. A word from the illustrator.
Publisher and CEO of SamsaGames Oy
Social Media Marketing
The costume designer, social media and marketing manager, transports us to the meeting that started it all; the short film, the music and the marketing campaign. Read the story.
Kickstarter campaign management and author of the art history article